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Becoming a partner with DSharp in Data Warehouse Automation projects has brought our partners faster and more cost-efficient projects for their clients. Please contact Tero-Matti for Finnish Partnerships and Konsta for other countries to begin a partnership.

Partner program

What you get as a partner

The DSharp Partner Program is intended to help Partners to succeed in their DWA business. It’s a free program and consists of support for sales and delivery:

  • Support for sales process and marketing efforts
  • Access to D♯ Training program
  • Access to Partnership Developer support
  • Membership of D♯ Developer Community
  • Free D♯ Demo licenses to support sales, training and PoCs and evaluation
  • Partners get R&D support for new features that can be agreed case by case

What we expect from a partner

  • Commonly agreed sales and business plan
  • Developers participate in training courses before starting working in customer projects
  • Marketing co-operation and cross-linking between sites and in SoMe