Take a look at our partner Cerion Solutions’ latest customer success story here! Cerion and Centria have worked together to take the first steps towards automated data based decision making. Cerion highly values productivity and currently has the largest team of trained D♯ professionals in Finland.

Also take a look at other examples of our fruitful co-operation here.

Updated some FAQ items, syncing to the 3.0 upgrade.

After launching version 2.7 in January, we have been working hard implementing and testing important new capabilities, and we are now launching version 3.0 of D♯ Engine.

We have rewritten the core of the target platform handling mechanism, adding the possibility to define new target database platforms. Those changes have made it possible to add support for our first Open Source target platform, PostgreSQL! Just set the target platform to PostgreSQL in the user interface and D♯ Engine does the rest. The exact same model and mappings can be used without any changes to generate the solution on each supported platform, like Azure SQL Database or the on-premise platforms SQL Server and PostgreSQL. Migrating from one database platform to another has never been easier!

We also changed the name of the software to clarify the message that the D♯ methodology and the D♯ software integrate tightly. From version 3.0 onwards the former SmartEngine will be called D♯ Engine! Let the search for a new nickname begin! All relevant written material will be updated in due time.

There are also other new features and improvements, detailed in the Release notes, available here for D♯ Community members.

Please contact sales to arrange a call, seminar or demo. Also note that the Intro Course on June 8:th will be using the 3.0 version.