I am, on behalf of the amazing-stories-and-wild-imagination department, embarrassed beyond words to be forced to present this cringeworthy first version of possible future marketing material that apparently tries to describe some far fetched connection between the D♯ logo and our front page message.

In addition to the apparent vanishing of competent marketing guys, devsupport will also slowly transition into summer schedule starting after Midsummer, lasting the entire July. So expect a slightly slower response during that period.

Logo D#

The name originates in music; it’s the name of the musical note that is one semitone higher than the note D. It is pronounced [di: ʃɑ:p].

The name itself is a lesson in precision. Note (!) that it is not D#. It’s D♯. The ♯ represents something that is more than the ordinary; specifically a rigorously sharp focus on data and what it actually means. Hence, D♯ stands for a new age and culture in creating modern data platforms.

It’s all about terminology, and understanding it. Traditional linguistics as well as modern conceptual modeling gurus are emphasizing the importance of precision in communication and collaboration. It makes sense to do the best we can to understand each other.

We are in the core of this culture. For us it is important to be precise in defining and using terms describing real life business phenomena in order to solve the correct problem as well as reach maximum productivity. After all, we all want efficient workshops!

Slightly overdoing the music metaphor, it’s never too late to B♯, to C the reality behind the data.

Incidentally, D♯ Engine is implemented using the Microsoft C♯ programming language.

For practical reasons, D♯ may also be written like D#. We don’t mind.

D♯ is like a D, just more. The same way your Data is just more once you sharpen it.

D♯ vibrates at a higher frequency than just an ordinary D. So it makes sense that a reporting solution generated with D♯ is delivered faster than solutions created using traditional methods.

Even a sine wave, the dullest of all waveforms, becomes sharper when it rises to the next level. Just take a listen to this D:

Then compare it to this D♯:

You will find that the latter is better. To be fair, though, that D♯ consists of a whole bunch of sine waves, simply because it can handle so much more in the same time.

Enough of this silliness. I would like to leave you on a high note. I hope this will strike a chord and resonate with you.


SmartEngine turned 2.0 a couple of years ago, and in anticipation we celebrated to the tune of this remake of an 80’s classic.