Enjoy world class automation with D#

When Steve Jobs launched “The Computer For The Rest of Us” a long time ago, his thought was to make computers usable and understandable for people with no technical background. In the D# team we feel that the market for data platforms, reporting, analytics, etc. is in still in “the same stage” where computers were in the 1980s. Many customers are (in 2021) really confused by the rapidly changing and ultra-technological language used by technology players and data consultants in our field. The message and recommendations are highly conflicting and different “schools” are not necessarily even compatible with each other. Customers are too often misled by big and small vendors to focus on technological matters and suboptimized point solutions instead of understanding the big picture and creating pragmatically working and understandable business data solutions that are flexible and sustainable in a rapidly changing world, where smart and wise decisions are needed quicky – all the time, every day.

This short PDF presentation (in English and Finnish) communicates the key issues in achieving a “Business Data Platform for the rest of us“. Terms like Conceptual Modeling, Data Vault, Automation and DSharp (D#) are described in a simple way. It all starts from simplifying the language. Our mission is to get business data people to discuss and work together with IT Data people in order to achieve great value for decision makers.


D♯ (lausutaan “dii sharp) sisältää menetelmän ja sitä tukevat työkalut ketterään tietovarastokehitykseen. Menetelmä pohjautuu toiminnan käsitteiden mallintamiseen tarvelähtöisesti. Käsitemalli on samalla yhteinen kieli kaikille toimijoille, tärkeä määrittelydokumentti ja lähtökohta tietovaraston tekniselle ratkaisulle.

D♯:n tärkeänä työkaluna on D♯ Engine, jonka avulla automatisoidaan merkittävä osa tietovaraston kehitystyöstä. Käytännössä D♯ Engine generoi käsitemallin perusteella tietovaraston rakenteiden, latausmekanismeihin sekä rajapintoihin tarvittavan standardi SQL- koodin täysin automaattisesti.

Lue lisää.


Perinteisesti tietovarastoa ja tietoalustaa rakennettaessa on tunnistettu prosessi erittäin hitaaksi. Puhuttiin usein useiden kuukausien työstä, kun muodostettiin uusia raportteja, jos lähdeaineistoa ei ollut tietovarastossa saatavilla. Tietojen lataustyö oli rankkaa käsityötä, kun tunnistettiin mistä lähteistä tietoa tuodaan tietovarastoon ja miten tieto muokataan yhteiseen muotoon.

Modernissa tietoalustassa kehitystä on lähdetty nopeuttamaan toteuttamalla tietovarastoon automatisaatiota hyödyntäen mallinnusta.

Lisää aiheesta Sytyke-lehdessä.

Cerion’s SmartEngine is a reliable data engine that automatically generates highly scalable Data Platform structures from visual conceptual data models and meta data. Modern Best Practise methodologies, like DataOps, DevOps, Iterative development and Agile models are fully supported. High productivity is undisputable and total cost of ownership (TCO) during the life cycle is among the best.

With the term D♯ (read Dee Sharp) we refer to the methodology of building and maintaining leading Data Platforms together with the customer. D♯ was previously called SmartDW. D♯ is one of the leading low-code development environments and concepts for modern Big Data and Data Vault 2.0 data business solutions. D♯ also takes into account hybrid data solutions and aim for seamless compatibility within the enterprise data architecture of big customers. Re-usability in data modelling, full visibility into the data assets of big organisations, and better data governance are some of the benefits. Within the D♯-methodology development work can be shared with the customer in many different ways. The customer can go for a turnkey solution by outsourcing most of the work to the vendor or choose more self-service, depending on the capability of customer’s personnel. Responsibilities can be managed with e.g. a simple RACI-matrix.

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