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New Age Data Careers – D♯ Training Program

Growing Demand After the digitalization leap caused by Corona many analysts are forecasting 10-15% growth for the data market in the next 5 years. Hence, the demand for Data Vault 2.0 and D♯-based Data Platforms is growing rapidly. In parallel the need for business-driven conceptual data modeling is on the rise as our customers and partners invest in data leadership, data governance, smarter data architectures, etc. Summer Is Coming… … and the Data Market is hotter than any normal summer day in […]


New Age Data Careers / Professional Growth

The demand for Data Vault 2.0 and D♯-based Data Platforms is growing rapidly. In parallel the need for business-driven conceptual and data modeling is on the rise as our customers and partners invest in Data Leadership, Data Governance, smarter Data Architectures, etc. We are urgently searching for Data Professionals to join our growing D♯ community. DSharp is recruiting. Many of our customers and partners are also recruiting, see our partner Cerion Solutions Oy as one […]


D♯ Product Business Into a New Independent Company

Background story Fifteen years ago Cerion created, developed and imported tools and methodologies for data warehouse automation. The consulting company was one of the first (on the planet) to automatically generate structures and load procedures for highly scalable, flexible and sustainable Business Data Platforms. The productivity boost gained by Cerion’s in-house tool led to the implementation of tens of new customer solutions. Most were EDW’s, multi-organization reporting solutions, business unit solutions. Some smaller solutions were […]

Cerion loi ja toi Data Vault -automaation Suomeen

Cerion loi ja toi Data Vault -automaation Suomeen Nyt luodaan hyvinvointiyhteiskuntaa Cerionin pioneerityö Toistakymmentä vuotta sitten tietoalustat ja -varastot rakennettiin vielä täysin manuaalisesti isoilla budjeteilla. Näimme mahdollisuuden: Data Vault -pohjaisten tietovarastojen automatisoinnista tulisi uusi tuottavuusstandardi, ja paukut kannattaisi laittaa siihen. Olemme investoineet SmartEngine -työkalun kehittämiseen lähes 15 vuoden ajan. Kehitimme ensimmäisenä Suomessa pitkälle jalostetun Data Vault -automaatiotyökalun ja -menetelmän. Kehitystyö tehtiin läheisessä yhteistyössä edelläkävijäasiakkaiden kanssa. Maahantoimme monta vuotta myöhemmin alan toisen pioneerin Uusi-Seelantilaisen WhereScapen ratkaisun. […]